
Calgary Reiki

Are you looking for a Calgary Reiki practitioner? Find out below more information about Reiki and how through Barb Fischer you can realize the benefits of Reiki?

What is Reiki?

  • Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation
  • Reiki is the practice of transmitting energy to the recipient through the hands of the therapist
  • Reiki is an energy that promotes health (body, mind, spirit), positive mental energy, balance and clarity



I have suffered from asthma since early childhood, which is now, mainly under control by medication. Up till 18 months ago I thought all my aches and pains were from arthritis but after long painful tests I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia. Because of my asthma medications the Doctors could not prescribe anything for the pain, so I searched for alternate medicine. I have had reflexology, acupuncture, physiotherapy and massage but only had temporary relief. In the middle of August 2007, I was introduced to Barb Fischer and received my first treatment of reflexology. It seemed to give me some relief although I had a painful day after, but the relief lasted longer than any other treatment I had been given. The next week when I arrived at Barb’s she had done a lot of research and tried some pressure points for fibromyalgia. That week the relief was better and lasted longer. Week three she treated me to full body pressure points (not fun) and Reiki. That week was the best week I have had for years; even my Doctor could not believe the difference .I am not going to tell you that the treatments are pain free because at first it is painful but believe me, the pain is nothing compared to the pain I have been through. My family and friends cannot believe how much I have improved after such a short time. Thanks to Barb I can actually do some of the things I love to do and have not been able to for a long time. I am not and will never be completely without pain but life is surely a lot more bearable thanks to her. Marie Robbie, Milo

Calgary Reiki Specialist

Calgary Reiki specialist

Benefits of Reiki

  • Reiki releases accumulated daily stress and tension
  • Reiki helps to prevent disorders, maintain positive wellness and helps the body heal itself
  • Reiki promotes qualities of loving, growing, compassion, trusting, goodwill, peace & serenity
  • Reiki speeds recovery time and relieves pain in cases where there are broken bones, burns, scrapes, etc



We also offer Massage. Click on the link for more information.


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