
Dear Barb,

I want to thank you for your loving care of my 90 year old mother, Helena, over the past 4 ½ years. It was definitely a wonderful thing meeting you in the lobby of mom’s home at Whitehorn Village. Your weekly visits to her room to give her an hour Reflexology treatment, helped to brighten her week. In those days, she looked forward to seeing you for that special time of visiting and relaxation.

Barb, throughout these years of your weekly caring for my mom’s feet, I especially appreciated the weekly treatments during times when my mom was hospitalized at various times and locations throughout Calgary. It was a great comfort to me, to know that the weekly reflexology and companionship were continuing.

My mother has diabetes, and was born with a heart murmur. I feel that the weekly reflexology treatments you have given my mom have enhanced the circulation in her feet. This is of great benefit for both diabetics and people with heart problems. Although my mom now uses a walker, she is still able to walk around Clifton Manor, where she now resides.

Thank you, Barb!

Rosemarie Dueck


“In 1995, I was diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease. I have been receiving Reflexology treatments from Barb since March 2001. Through the course of the treatments I have been in remission and my immune system has improved immensely.” – Christina Knopp



“I’m one of those ‘high-energy’ people who can function on just a few hours sleep. Keeping this in mind – the greatest compliment I can give is that I almost fell asleep during a reflexology treatment. Now that’s relaxing!!! Whether you’re seeking her treatments for medical reasons or strictly for a little pampering, I would highly recommend Barb.”
Robin L. Fremont


 After suffering with extreme heel pain I was diagnosed with Plantar Fasciitis from my family doctor in August 2007.
The symptoms for this condition were: difficulty in walking due to extreme foot pain, difficulty in standing in the morning, and tenderness to the heel of my foot.
I had been seeing Barb Fischer for massages on my back and when I mentioned this discomfort to my foot she suggested that we try various techniques.
Barb proceeded with reflexology on my feet, advised stretching exercises, use of a foot roller and ball to stretch the band in the bottom of my foot. She continued with reflexology treatments over the course of several months. I am pleased to say that as of August 2009 I have not had any recurring episodes from this painful experience.
Ron Beechy, Calgary, Sept 2009


I have suffered from asthma since early childhood, which is now, mainly under control by medication. Up till 18 months ago I thought all my aches and pains were from arthritis but after long painful tests I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia. Because of my asthma medications the Doctors could not prescribe anything for the pain, so I searched for alternate medicine. I have had reflexology, acupuncture, physiotherapy and massage but only had temporary relief. In the middle of August 2007, I was introduced to Barb Fischer and received my first treatment of reflexology. It seemed to give me some relief although I had a painful day after, but the relief lasted longer than any other treatment I had been given. The next week when I arrived at Barb’s she had done a lot of research and tried some pressure points for fibromyalgia. That week the relief was better and lasted longer. Week three she treated me to full body pressure points (not fun) and Reiki. That week was the best week I have had for years; even my Doctor could not believe the difference .I am not going to tell you that the treatments are pain free because at first it is painful but believe me, the pain is nothing compared to the pain I have been through. My family and friends cannot believe how much I have improved after such a short time. Thanks to Barb I can actually do some of the things I love to do and have not been able to for a long time. I am not and will never be completely without pain but life is surely a lot more bearable thanks to her. Marie Robbie, Milo